On May 4, 2012, we were finally able to download our Facebook Enhanced Data Archive. The file was only 44KB but it contained some data and account history that is permanently on the Facebook servers and cannot be removed.
- Datr Authentication Cookie Info – A copy of Facebook Cookies that are stored under our Facebook Account.
- Events – A list of all Events we’ve attending.
- IP Addresses – A list of IP Addresses, some were from 6 years ago when we travelled Internationally.
- Pending Friend Requests – Both requests you have send and received.
- Login/Logout Info – For Facebook.com, their Mobile and iPad sties including IP Addresses.
- Previous Name/Relationship Info – This is history data that is permanently archived by Facebook.
On April 12, 2012, Facebook announced on its Facebook Privacy Page that it began expanding its Archive feature to its 845 million monthly active users. In Europe, 40,000 Facebook users requested a full copy of the data that Facebook has compiled on each of them. Under the European privacy law, Facebook had to comply with these requests.
Below are instructions on how to Download the Enhanced Data Archive.
Step By Step Instructions
1. Click the account menu at the top right of any Facebook page
2. Choose Account Settings
3. Click on “Download a copy of your Facebook data”
4. Under What’s Not in My Archive, Click Expanded Archive
5. You will receive a notification that your request is pending.
6. In about 3 hours, we received an email that your download was ready. We logged into Facebook using the steps above and re-entered our password.
7. Our Facebook Download file was 44 KB. It did not include the same data as the main Facebook download file. It included the 1 folder (html):
Index.html – A HTML file allowing you to navigate your Faceboook Enhanced Data
html folder (see item 8 for more info)
- style.css
- account_status_changes.html – Dates when your account was reactivated, deactivated, disabled or deleted
- address.html – Address, City/Town, Neighborhood, Zip, Country, Residence, Room, Mailbox
- *Addressbook.html – Contacts from your iPhone or Mobile Phone Address book and their Phone/Cell Phone Numbers.
- *admin_apps.html – Facebook Apps you Admin.
- *admin_pages.html – Facebook Pages you admin.
- *alternate_name.html – An Alternate Name, if used.
- *apps.html – Facebook Apps you have installed on your Computer and Mobile Device(s).
- birthday.html – Birthday visibility setttings (for example: Show only month & day in my profile).
- cities.html – City and Hometown info.
- *currency.html – A currency, if set.
- datr.html – a list of cookies, and the date they were issued (although the list of cookies doesn’t tell you anything).
- *deleted_friends.html – Friends that you deleted, their real name.
- *educations.html – School Name, Graudated, Degree, Concentrations, Classes (if entered).
- *emails.html – Current Emails, Pending Emails, Previous Emails
- events.html – Events you accepted, declined, and responded maybe to (Event Name, Location, Event Start Time, Event End Time, RSVP status).
- family.html – The names of the family members you’ve listed on your account
- friend_requests.html – Pending Sent and Pending Received Friend Requests.
- ipaddresses.html (IP addresses that Facebook has stored – we found IP Addresses from our travel abroad)
- languages.html – Spoken Languages
- *linked_accounts.html – Provider Name, Account Identifier (examples: MyOpenID)
- *locale.html – Example: en_US
- logins.html – IP Address Login (Facebook.com, m.Facebook.com, Facebook for iPad) and IP Address, Date/Time
- logouts.html – Ip Address, Date/time and Site.
- names.html – Previous names
- networks.html – Networks
- *notifications.html – Facebook Notifications for Facebook Features such as “Adds you as a friend, Pokes you” and Third Party Mobile Apps.
- phones.html – Phone Number, Type (Mobile), Verified
- photo.jpg – Current Profile Photo
- *physical_tokens.html – Name, ID, State
- pokes.html – Date/Time, Author, Recipient
- relationship.html – Relationship Info
- *screennames.html- Service, Screen Name, Is Hidden? (Examples: Twitter, Skype)
- *subscribers.html – if any.
8.On May 4, 2012, we ran the Facebook Enhanced Archive Data. Since this information was rolled out gradually to the Facebook User Community, this was the first time we were able to request it. Below is more information on the data that is included in the Facebook Enhanced Archive Data.
*On May 25, 2012, we ran the Facebook Enhanced Archive Data again. The entries with an “*” asterisk represent the new entries.
The Facebook Enhanced Data Archive contained a new Address Book feature that contained Contact Names, Cell Phone Numbers and Email Addresses from our Apple iPhone. Click Here – Is Facebook Stealing Your iPhone Contacts?
Facebook Enhanced Archive
Your enhanced archive contains additional info about your account, along with data that’s logged when you interact with Facebook. This could include:
IP addresses: Any IP addresses we have stored (this won’t be all of the IP addresses that have ever accessed your account)
Login info: A list of the logins we have stored (this won’t include every login during your account’s history)
Log out info: The IP addresses from which you logged out
Pending friend requests: Friend requests you sent and friend requests you received but haven’t accepted or denied
Account status changes: Dates when your account was reactivated, deactivated, disabled or deleted
Poke info: Information about the pokes you’ve exchanged
Events info: Events you accepted, declined, and responded maybe to
Other profile (timeline) info:
The mobile phone numbers you’ve added to your account
Your city and hometown (whatever is currently listed)
The names of the family members you’ve listed on your account
Your relationship info (names and statuses)
A list of the languages you’ve added to your profile
A history of any changes you’ve made to the name on your account
Sources: NYTimes.com, Facebook.com
Hello. I was hoping you could tell me what the date range of your log-ins and log-outs was in your enhanced archive. For instance did you get a month’s worth or logins, 2 months, 3 months, 1/2 a year? Thank you so much
Also, I was wondering if all the logins in your archive are fairly sequential or are there big gaps in the data? I have heard that some people are getting less than 40 days of login data. Thanks
Hi Ameendment Rq,
1. The login data we have seen is sequential.
2. We are also seeing gaps in the data.
3. We are seeing 45 days of data.
– Marty Orange
Hi AmendmentRq,
The Login/Logout information is interesting. We have not seen a 1/2 year of data.
The other observations:
– Facebook doesn’t give you the capability to delete or remove any of this data.
– There are no dates associated with the IP address, such as the last date the IP address was used. Should we believe that they are not storing the date information?
What are your observations?
Marty Orange
Hi Marty
Love your blog by the way and thanks for responding so quickly!!! I have seen 37 days, 42 days and 45 days myself. I was under the impression Facebook kept 90 days of login data. However, with the agreement with the Irish government – they said they would dramatically reduce the retention of login data. The Irish report is interesting and can be found online. I wonder if there is a difference between the data collected in the US vs. Europe.
If you don’t mind me asking, are you located in the US or Europe. I’m in the US and my facebook was created in the US.
Concerning the log out data – does it match up with the login data or did you receive more than 45 days of log out data? Thanks again Marty.
Hi AmendmentRQ,
Yes, we are also located in the United States.
– Marty